
Wednesday, August 8, 2012

God gave me you

The other day Jim and I were having a conversation about the high divorce rate in our country (about 50%!). This conversation spawned from the book we are reading Things I Wish I'd Known Before We Got Married by Gary Chapman. In the first chapter it said:

 The author then challenged us to discuss why we thought our relationship had any chance of surviving past two years when the "tingles" or "warm fuzzies" fade away. Here's what we came up with...

Jim: "I think our relationship is different than others, because we choose to make God the center of our relationship. We continually pray for his will to be carried out between us and we will seek him in the hardships."

Alexa: "I think relationships take effort and preparation. You'll fail your final exam if you don't prepare for it, right? And a relationship, marriage, or family is so much more important than an exam! If we know this statistic going into a marriage then we can sharpen our communication skills before we get to that point. Also if we feel those feelings starting to fade then we can find new ways to put a spark in our relationships like a new hobby or regular "date nights."

By: Blake Shelton

XOXO Alexa

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