
Friday, July 27, 2012

Street Smarts

Before I started my internship my parents weren't so sure that I had good enough "street smarts" to be downtown alone as a young woman. I was shocked to hear this, because I thought I did. Well guess what...they were RIGHT! Downtown Chicago is a whole 'nother ball game compared to the corn fields of Dekalb. I soon decided to make it my mission this summer to equip myself with more than enough street smarts.


1. There were THREE separate attacks near the hospital at the beginning of the summer against hospital employees. (One doctor was actually punched in the face!)

2. The news and my co-workers had plenty of stories on violent attacks or fast muggings to share.

3. My own encounter with some shady characters---
One night I took the red line back to stay with a friend after work instead of having to commute from Dekalb. It happened to be the same day of a big parade downtown. Therefore there were tons of people in the city, using public transportation and probably intoxicated by this time. When I got off of the red line I had no idea how to get down to the street and there were mobs of people. I quickly spotted a business man in a nicely tailored suit who I decided to follow down to the street. While I was so focused on following him, I did not realize I had walked right into the middle of a fight between a couple! (He was getting on the train and she was screaming at him--err well in my ear--to get off the train! Yikes!) I finally navigated my way out of the train station and down to the street. I thought I was "all clear" as it was only a half-mile walk to my friend's place. However the street was starting to have less and less people on it and a couple of guys were walking behind me. I soon heard them talking about me! "Ooh look at that young girl up there. She's all alone. I wouldn't be walking alone if I was her." This was the first time I have genuinely felt scared downtown. I picked up my pace, ran through the street as it was turning red, and lost them thankfully.


$10 at any
sporting goods store

1. Always carry PEPPER SPRAY---in your hand! If someone comes up to you unexpectedly (which attackers do), you will not have time to dig through your purse!

2. WALK FAST and with a PURPOSE as my mom always said. If you look like you know where you are going then you do not look as vulnerable. (If you don't know where you are going---fake it!)


3. LOOK PEOPLE IN THE EYE as you pass them. Don't stare them down as a threat, but rather just make eye contact. This will make you look confident. If you are staring down at the street, you look vulnerable and will not be able to see anything coming.

4. DON'T BE ON YOUR PHONE---especially if you have a fancy iphone or other smart phone. Do not even take your phone out of your bag. If someone sees you have an expensive phone, it instantly makes you a target. (If you use your phone for directional purposes like me, my advice is to write down the directions from your phone on a piece of paper before you enter the street or public transportation.)

5. CARRY YOUR BAG IN FRONT OF YOU. This way someone can't just slip their hand in to steal something without you noticing. Also it makes it harder for someone to use your bag as a way to grab you.

6. DO NOT FLAUNT EXPENSIVE THINGS like designer coach bags, jewlery, etc. (One of my co-workers actually knew a nurse that was walking to her car after work and someone came up to her with a gun and told her to give him her earrings. They were diamond studs that her husband gave her for their anniversary.)

I could go on about other ways to stay safe, but these I've found are the most important ones. These six tips apply more so to after-dark rather than the "morning commuters rush"---BUT you never know when someone will attack and you can NEVER be too safe!

XOXO Alexa

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